10 Single Parent Dating Sites That Will Help You Find The One

  • eHarmony – Best for people looking for a meaningful, long-term relationship.
  • Match.com – Best for people looking to find a meaningful relationship with someone special.
  • Single Parent Meet – Best for single parents looking to find a romantic connection with someone who understands the unique challenges of parenting solo.
  • Just Single Parents – Best for single parents looking to find a partner who understands their unique circumstances.
  • Mums Date Dads – Best for single parents looking to find a meaningful connection with someone who understands the unique challenges of being a parent.

There are plenty of other great single parent dating sites out there. From free to paid, you can find a site that meets your needs. Alternatives that you might want to check out:

  • Single Parents Mingle
  • Elite Singles
  • Single Parent Love
  • Single and Parents
  • Parents Without Partners

How To Choose The Best Option For You?

Ah, single parent dating sites. It can be hard to choose the best one out of all those options! But don’t worry – I got you covered. As a seasoned online dater and guru in this field, here are my top tips for picking the right site: First off, make sure that it is specifically tailored towards single parents – there’s no point joining a general dating site if your main goal is finding someone who understands what it means to raise kids alone. Also look at how many users they have; more people usually mean better chances of success (plus bigger pool = more fish!). Another thing worth considering is whether or not they offer additional services such as counseling and advice from experts on parenting issues related to being a solo parent – these could come in handy when times get tough! Finally check their security measures: after all you want your personal data protected so pick something with strong encryption protocols that won’t leave you vulnerable. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices based on these criteria then take some time exploring each website’s features before making up your mind about which one works best for YOU – because ultimately that’s what matters most! Who knows? You might even find yourself having fun along the way… Hey, why not give it shot?!

5 Useful Tips For Single Parent Dating Sites

  • Take your time to get to know the other person before meeting in person.
  • Be honest about your situation and expectations.
  • Be open-minded and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Keep safety in mind when arranging to meet someone from a dating site.
  • Make sure you have a support system in place if things don’t work out.

List Of Best Single Parent Dating Sites


eHarmony is the real deal! It’s one of the top dating sites out there, with a unique matching system that really works. It’s all about compatibility and it takes the guesswork out of finding someone special. You’ll get tailored matches based on your personality profile, plus you can use their guided communication feature to get to know each other better. Plus, they have tons of success stories from couples who’ve found love through eHarmony. Bottom line: if you’re looking for something serious, eHarmony is worth a shot!


Match.com is the OG of online dating sites! It’s got all the bells and whistles, plus some extra features that make it stand out from the crowd. You can search for potential matches by age, location, interests, and more. Plus, they offer a unique “Chemistry Test” to help you find your perfect match. With Match.com, you get access to an extensive database of singles, so you’re sure to find someone who catches your eye. And with their mobile app, you can stay connected on the go. So if you’re looking for love, Match.com is definitely worth a try!

Single Parent Meet

Single Parent Meet is a great dating site for single parents! It’s got all the features you need to find your perfect match, like chat, search filters, and even private messaging. Plus, it’s totally free to join, so you can get started right away. The best part? You’ll be able to connect with other single parents who understand what you’re going through. So don’t wait any longer – sign up today and start meeting other single parents!

Just Single Parents

Just Single Parents is the perfect dating site for single mums and dads. It’s packed with great features, like private messaging, detailed profiles, and a secure chatroom. Plus, it’s totally free! With its easy-to-use interface, you can quickly connect with other single parents who share your same interests. No more swiping left or right – just find someone who fits your lifestyle and start chatting. So don’t wait any longer – join Just Single Parents today and start meeting new people in no time!

Mums Date Dads

Mums Date Dads is the perfect dating site for single parents! It’s packed with features to make it easy to find a match, like its advanced search and communication tools. Plus, you can rest assured that your privacy is safe, since Mums Date Dads takes security seriously. And the best part? It’s totally free to join and use – no strings attached! So if you’re a single parent looking for love, Mums Date Dads is the way to go. Get ready to find your special someone!

What Are Single Parent Dating Sites?

Ah, single parent dating sites. What a great way to meet someone special when you’re a busy mom or dad! These online platforms are specifically designed for those of us who have kids and want to find love without having to worry about childcare arrangements. They make it easy – no more awkward conversations with potential dates trying (and failing) not to mention your children on the first date! Plus, they understand that as parents we don’t always have time for long-winded chats and going out all night – so these sites provide an opportunity for quick connections with other likeminded singles in our area. So if you’re looking for romance but need some flexibility around family life then why not give one of these websites a try? You never know what could happen…

Pros & Cons Of Single Parent Dating Sites

Single parent dating sites can be a great way to meet like-minded individuals who are also looking for companionship. However, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks of these types of sites before signing up and investing your time in them.

  • Allows single parents to find other singles who are in the same situation and understand their lifestyle.
  • Offers a safe environment for single parents to meet potential partners without having to worry about judgement or stigma.
  • Gives access to tailored advice, resources, and support from fellow members of the community.
  • Provides an opportunity for like-minded individuals with similar values and interests to connect with each other on a deeper level than traditional dating sites may offer.
  • Helps foster relationships that can provide emotional support during difficult times as well as companionship when raising children alone is challenging
  • Limited pool of potential partners
  • Fewer resources for single parents to find compatible matches
  • Potential stigma associated with being a single parent on the site
  • Higher risk of encountering someone who is not serious about dating or looking for a long-term relationship
  • Some sites may be too expensive and have limited features

How Do We Rank Single Parent Dating Sites?

When it comes to reviewing single parent dating sites, we don’t mess around. We take our job seriously and make sure that every site is thoroughly tested before being recommended or dismissed. To ensure a comprehensive review of each website, my team and I have sent out hundreds of messages across multiple platforms over the course of several days – no stone left unturned! We started by testing both free versions as well as paid ones in order to get an accurate assessment for each platform. From there, we checked how easy (or difficult) it was to create a profile on the site; what kind of features were available; whether they had any safety measures in place; if their customer service responded quickly enough when contacted with queries etc.. In addition, all memberships are put through rigorous tests so you can be assured that your data will remain secure at all times while using these websites.
Finally, once satisfied with our findings from this extensive process – which took us more than three weeks – we compiled everything into one concise report where readers can find detailed information about various single parent dating sites along with ratings based on user experience feedbacks collected during our research period. This way readers know exactly what they’re getting themselves into without having to go through hours upon hours researching online reviews written by people who may not even have used those services themselves! Our commitment towards providing honest reviews sets us apart from other review sites because unlike them-we actually spend time going deep down into every aspect instead just skimming over surface level details like most do nowadays


All in all, single parent dating sites are a great way to meet people who understand the unique challenges of being a single parent. Whether you’re looking for someone with whom to share your life or just hoping for some fun and companionship, these sites can help make it happen. With so many options available online today, there’s no reason not to give one of them a try! So if you’re ready to take that plunge into the world of online dating as a single parent – go ahead and dive right in! Who knows? You might even find love along the way.


1. Where can I find free single parent dating sites?

No worries, there are plenty of free single parent dating sites out there. Try checking out websites like SingleParentMeet or JustSingleParents to get started – they both offer a free membership so you can explore the site and see if it’s right for you. Good luck!

2. Are single parent dating sites legit?

Yes, single parent dating sites are legit. They provide a safe and secure platform for single parents to meet other like-minded individuals looking for relationships. Plus, many of them have helpful features that make it easier to find compatible matches quickly!

3. Are single parent dating sites anonymous?

Single parent dating sites are generally not anonymous. Most require you to create a profile with your name, age and location visible for other users to see. However, some do offer the option of keeping certain information private or even using an alias if desired.

4. Are there any 100% free single parent dating sites?

No, unfortunately there are no 100% free single parent dating sites. Most of the sites require a paid subscription to access all features and be able to communicate with other members. That said, many offer discounts or free trials so you can test them out before committing financially.