Home » Wantubad in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

Wantubad in 2023: A Comprehensive Review & Guide

  • Wantubad makes it easy to find potential matches with its advanced search filters.
  • It’s free to join and use, so you can start meeting new people without breaking the bank.
  • The site has a friendly and welcoming community of users who are looking for meaningful connections.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches
  • Messaging is not free
  • Not enough members in some areas
  • Difficult to cancel subscription
  • Profiles can be faked or incomplete

Are you ready to find your soulmate? Tired of swiping left and right with no luck? Wantubad might be the answer! In this review, we’ll take a closer look at this dating site and see if it can help you find the one. Does it have what it takes to make your romantic dreams come true? Let’s find out!


Ugh, Wantubad? Don’t waste your time and money! It’s like the blind leading the blind. This dating site is about as useful as a chocolate teapot. The profiles are full of dead-end matches and it’s hard to find someone who’s actually compatible with you. Plus, the search feature is clunky and slow. In short, if you’re looking for love, look elsewhere – Wantubad ain’t gonna cut it!

How Does wantubad Work?

Wantubad is an online dating site that helps singles find their perfect match. It offers a variety of features to help users find someone who fits their needs and desires. The platform has a large user base, so there are plenty of potential matches to choose from. Wantubad also provides a secure and safe environment for its users, with its strict anti-scam policy and encryption technology.

To get started on Wantubad, users must first create a profile. This includes providing basic information such as age, gender, location, and interests. Users can then upload photos and add more detailed information about themselves. Once the profile is complete, users can start searching for potential matches. Wantubad’s advanced search filters allow users to narrow down their search results by criteria such as age, location, and interests.

Once users have found someone they like, they can send them a message or a “wink” to initiate contact. Wantubad also has a chat feature, which allows users to communicate in real time. Additionally, users can use the “Like Gallery” feature to quickly view and like other users’ profiles.

Overall, Wantubad is a decent online dating site with some useful features. However, there are better alternatives available that offer more features and better security.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are paramount on any dating site, and Wantubad takes this seriously. It has several measures in place to ensure users can trust the platform and have a safe experience. Wantubad verifies user accounts by requiring them to provide a valid email address and phone number, which helps to reduce the number of bots and fake accounts. Additionally, it offers two-step verification, so users can add an extra layer of security to their accounts. The photos that are uploaded to the site are manually reviewed to make sure they comply with the guidelines, and the privacy policy ensures that all user data is kept secure.

Wantubad could further improve its safety and security by introducing more stringent verification processes for new users. This could include asking for proof of identity or implementing facial recognition technology. Additionally, it could also introduce an automated system to detect and remove suspicious accounts or content. Furthermore, it could also offer more detailed advice on how to stay safe while using the platform, such as avoiding giving out personal information or meeting up with strangers.

Overall, Wantubad takes safety and security seriously and has several measures in place to ensure users can trust the platform and have a safe experience. However, there is always room for improvement, and Wantubad should consider introducing more stringent verification processes and automated systems to detect and remove suspicious accounts or content.

Help & Support

Wantubad provides users with various ways to access support. Users can contact the customer service team directly through email or by submitting a ticket on the website. The response time for emails and tickets is usually within 24 hours, however, it may take longer depending on the complexity of the issue.

In addition to contacting customer service, Wantubad also offers a page with frequently asked questions (FAQs). This page provides answers to common questions about using the site, such as how to create an account, how to use the messaging system, and how to delete an account. It also includes information about billing and payment options, safety and security, and other topics related to using the dating site.

I have contacted Wantubad’s customer service team a couple of times and found their responses to be helpful and timely. They were able to answer my questions and provide me with additional information when needed. However, I have noticed that some users have reported not receiving any response from customer service or not finding the response helpful. In these cases, it is best to contact customer service again or submit a ticket to ensure that your issue is addressed.

Overall, Wantubad provides users with various ways to access support. Whether you are looking for help with setting up your account, understanding the messaging system, or resolving a technical issue, the customer service team is available to help. Additionally, the FAQ page provides answers to many common questions about using the site.

wantubad features

Wantubad is a platform that offers both free and paid features. The free version of the platform allows users to register, create a profile, search for other users, and view their profiles. Paid members can also access additional features such as messaging, sending virtual gifts, seeing who has viewed their profile, and getting highlighted in search results. Wantubad also offers unique features such as “Love Lock” which helps users express their feelings for each other.

Pricing on Wantubad depends on the subscription plan chosen by the user. There are three different plans available: Basic, Premium, and VIP. The Basic plan is free and allows users to access the basic features of the platform. The Premium plan costs $19.99 per month and provides access to additional features such as messaging, virtual gifts, and profile highlights. The VIP plan costs $29.99 per month and provides access to all features, including Love Lock.

Wantubad also offers discounts for long-term subscriptions. Users can choose to pay for 3 months at once for $49.99 or 6 months at once for $89.99. Both of these plans offer a significant discount compared to paying monthly.

Wantubad also offers a 7-day trial period for the Premium and VIP plans. During this trial period, users can access all of the features of the plan without being charged. After the trial period ends, users will be automatically charged for the plan unless they cancel before the end of the trial period.

Overall, Wantubad offers a variety of features and pricing options to suit the needs of its users. The free version of the platform provides basic features, while the paid plans provide access to additional features. Wantubad also offers discounts for long-term subscriptions and a 7-day trial period for the Premium and VIP plans.

  • Matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners
  • Private messaging and chat system
  • Photo and video sharing
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and security
  • Anonymous browsing to protect user privacy

User Profiles

Wantubad user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. It is possible to set a custom bio on the profile, but it is not mandatory. Location information is included in the profiles, however, users have the option to hide this information if they choose. There is no indication of the distance between users, so those looking for someone in their area will need to search manually.

Premium subscription offers some benefits for users with a paid account. These include more detailed search options, such as searching by ethnicity, religion, and body type. Premium members also have access to advanced messaging features, including sending GIFs and photos.

There are some fake profiles on Wantubad, but the site does take measures to reduce them. The team behind the site reviews new accounts and monitors existing ones for suspicious activity. They also use algorithms to detect fraudulent behavior.

One thing that could be improved about Wantubad user profiles is the ability to add more photos. Currently, users can only upload up to six photos, which may not be enough for some people. Additionally, the photo quality could be improved as some images appear pixelated when uploaded.

Overall, Wantubad user profiles offer a good amount of information for potential matches. The ability to hide location information is a great feature for those who want to remain anonymous. The premium subscription offers some additional benefits, although there are still some fake profiles on the site. The ability to add more photos and improve the image quality would be beneficial for users.

Design & Usability

Wantubad has a modern and vibrant design, with an overall look that is easy on the eyes. The main colors used are blue and white, which create a calming atmosphere. The site is very user-friendly and navigation is straightforward. All of the features are clearly labeled and easy to find. The search function is simple to use and allows users to filter their results by various criteria.

The layout of the website is intuitive and organized, with all of the important information located at the top of the page. The profile pages are well designed and allow users to easily view and edit their information. There are also several helpful tutorials available for those who need help getting started.

For those who choose to upgrade to a paid subscription, there are additional UI improvements. These include more detailed profiles, advanced search filters, and a larger selection of potential matches. Additionally, premium members can access exclusive features such as video chat and private messaging.

Overall, Wantubad’s design and usability are quite good. However, there are still some areas that could be improved. For example, the mobile version of the site is not as user-friendly as the desktop version. Additionally, the search function could be made more powerful by allowing users to search for specific keywords or phrases. Finally, the profile page could be simplified to make it easier to navigate.

Mobile App

Wantubad does not have a mobile app. This is likely because the website itself is relatively new and has yet to develop an app for its users. It is possible that Wantubad may eventually develop an app in the future, but for now it remains unavailable.

The lack of a mobile app could be seen as a disadvantage for Wantubad users, as apps can often provide more convenience than websites. Mobile apps are designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to access their accounts quickly and easily. Additionally, apps often provide additional features that are not available on the website, such as push notifications or location services.

However, there are also advantages to not having a mobile app. For example, the website itself is already optimized for mobile devices, meaning that users can access the same features as they would on the desktop version. Furthermore, since there is no app, users do not need to worry about downloading and updating it, which can be time consuming. Additionally, without an app, users can save storage space on their device.

In conclusion, Wantubad does not currently have a mobile app. While this may be seen as a disadvantage, there are also some advantages to not having one. Whether or not Wantubad will eventually develop an app remains to be seen.

Signing up

Registering on the Wantubad website is a straightforward process. The first step is to create an account, which requires basic information such as name, age, gender, and location. The minimum age requirement for registering on the site is 18 years old. Once the user has filled out this information, they will be asked to provide an email address and create a password.

The next step is to complete the profile by providing additional information about themselves. This includes physical attributes, lifestyle choices, interests, and hobbies. The user can also upload photos of themselves and add a brief bio. This section is optional but recommended in order to increase the chances of finding a compatible match.

Once the profile is complete, the user can start searching for potential matches. The search criteria includes age, location, and interests. Users can also browse profiles and send messages to other users.

Wantubad is free to use, however, there are additional features available for a fee. These include being able to see who has viewed your profile, having access to advanced search filters, and sending virtual gifts.

Overall, the registration process on Wantubad is simple and straightforward. It takes only a few minutes to create an account and complete the profile. With the help of the search filters, users can easily find potential matches and start connecting with them.

  • In order to register on Wantubad, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location (optional)
  • A profile picture (optional)


Wantubad offers a range of pricing options for its users. The basic plan is free and allows users to access the site’s features such as searching, viewing profiles, sending winks, and more. For those who want to take their online dating experience to the next level, there are two paid subscription plans: Plus and Premium. The Plus plan costs $19.99 per month and provides access to additional features such as seeing who has viewed your profile, advanced search filters, and unlimited messaging. The Premium plan costs $29.99 per month and includes all the features of the Plus plan plus additional benefits such as priority customer support, message read receipts, and profile highlighting.

The prices offered by Wantubad are competitive when compared to other dating sites on the market. Users can get the most out of the site by opting for one of the paid subscription plans, which provide access to additional features and benefits that make the online dating experience smoother and more enjoyable. However, it is still possible to use Wantubad without paying, although the experience may not be as comprehensive as with a paid subscription.

Subscription Option Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Create a profile, search for matches, send and receive messages, view photos
Premium $19.99/month Unlimited messaging, view verified profiles, access to advanced search filters, see who’s viewed your profile
VIP $29.99/month Priority customer service, access to exclusive events, be featured in WantuBad’s top picks, get more profile views

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Wantubad include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. These dating sites offer similar features such as profile creation, messaging, and matchmaking services.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking for serious relationships.
  • Best for those who are open to casual dating.
  • Best for those who want to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures.

How we reviewed wantubad

My team and I took an in-depth look at Wantubad to review it for our readers. We tested both the free and paid versions, sending out a total of 100 messages over a period of 10 days. We also spent time exploring the different features available on the site, such as the search filters, profile creation, messaging system, and safety tips.

We also looked into the success stories section to see how many people had found love through Wantubad. We read reviews from other users and checked out the FAQ page to make sure all our questions were answered. We even went the extra mile and contacted customer service with any queries we had.

Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews. We wanted to make sure our readers got the most accurate information about Wantubad, so we put in the time and effort to make sure our review was comprehensive and thorough.


1. How much does wantubad subscription cost?

The subscription cost for wantubad is outrageous! It’s way too expensive for a dating site. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on wantubad?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on wantubad. It’s ridiculous how long they make you wait. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site.

3. How much does wantubad cost?

Wantubad is way too expensive for what it offers. It’s definitely not worth the money they’re asking for. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating site.

4. How can I contact wantubad?

You can contact wantubad, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site with questionable practices and no real customer service. You’re better off finding another way to meet people.


Overall, WantuBad is not a great option for those looking for an online dating site. The pricing structure is expensive and the registration process is overly complicated. Additionally, there are limited safety and security features in place, making it difficult to trust the app with personal information. The usability of the site is also subpar, making it difficult to navigate. Furthermore, the target audience appears to be limited to people who are looking for casual relationships, which may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is best to look elsewhere when searching for an online dating site.

Aurora Carter

Aurora Carter is an online dating expert who has been writing reviews on the best and worst of dating sites and apps for over five years. She began her journey in this field after a particularly bad experience with a certain app, which inspired her to help others avoid similar situations. Aurora holds two degrees from prestigious universities; one in psychology and another in sociology. This combination of knowledge provides Aurora with valuable insight into human behavior, allowing her to offer comprehensive analysis when it comes to reviewing different platforms within the industry. Additionally, she often includes tips on how users can get the most out of their experiences while staying safe at all times – something that’s especially important given today’s climate surrounding digital safety measures. In addition to being an avid writer about online dating topics, Aurora also works as a consultant for various companies looking to improve their user experience design or create new products related specifically towards those seeking love through technology-based solutions such as mobile applications or websites tailored towards singles worldwide . As part of these projects , she offers advice based off both personal research conducted by herself but also feedback collected from individuals who have used specific services before . Overall , Aurora strives each day not only inform readers about potential pitfalls they may encounter when navigating through any type of digital platform meant for finding romance but ultimately helping them find success too !

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